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Alex Guttormsson, Team Agronomist for Renovo Seed, says the plot will help farmers and ranchers feel more confident in the decisions they make when it comes to planting alternative forages and grazing crops.
“There’s not much for firm data regarding cover crops and conservation crops in terms of their agronomic impact on topics like organic matter, soil aeration, forage potential, and more. Renovo is investing in that research to take the guesswork out of diverse crop rotations for farmers and ranchers,” shared Guttormsson. “We’re testing things like nitrogen levels before and after cover crops and the nutritional value of dual-purpose grazing cover crops. We’re collecting data to answer all the questions we typically get asked when someone is new to diverse crop rotations or wants to try something different on their operation,” he continues.
Livestock producers, crop farmers, and seed dealers alike are invited to attend the Renovo Rally event on July 2, 2024 in Brookings, South Dakota to see the plot for themselves.
“We’re rallying around proven, practical solutions at the Renovo Rally plot day. It’s the first time we’ve done this event, and we will have speakers sharing about incentive programs for forage production, how to achieve year-round grazing, the agronomy of cover crops, how cover crops and forages can have a practical application on your operation, and more,” shares Justin Fruechte, Ag Product Expert for Renovo Seed.
The event is happening on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 from 10 AM to 3 PM at the Millborn and Renovo Seed location in Brookings, South Dakota (2132 32nd Ave, Brookings, SD 57006). Plot and warehouse tours will be offered every hour, as well as speakers, a trade show with relevant vendors, and of course, a great lunch.
Shannon Kubik, Brand President for Renovo Seed, says this is one of many ways Renovo is committed to simplifying diverse crop rotations for farmers and ranchers.
“Renovo is all about questioning the status quo. We heard our customers say they wanted more data about cover crops and forages, so that’s what we’re giving them. We’re committed to investing in plots like this so we can arm our customers with practical applications of forage, cover crop, and conservation seed on their farms and ranches.”
Registration for the Renovo Rally is encouraged. For more information and to register for the first-of-its-kind plot event, visit
About Renovo Seed
Renovo Seed is a visionary in the seed industry, focusing on positive land use solutions. Backed by Millborn’s powerful supply chain, Renovo Seed works to improve the resiliency of the land for generations to come with a robust seed lineup and unmatched team of experts who design practical, tailored solutions for farmers, ranchers, and landowners. For more information, visit
About Millborn
With high-quality seed products, a unique, vertically integrated supply chain, and a team of experts who understand the industry, Millborn is the single source for agriculture, conservation, reclamation, and commercial seed needs. For more information, visit