For as long as I have been a forage agronomist and now a journalist, one question that continues to get asked each spring is, “Can I plant alfalfa after alfalfa?”...
A plethora of research activity is completed or ongoing examining the virtues and economics of the HarvXtra alfalfa trait. For the most part, this trait has proven to perform as advertised.Most of the...
Drex Gauntt is not a farmer who fears technology. To the contrary — he embraces it as an income generator, a tool to more efficiently use water, a way to better manage his time, and for the benefit...
The Saudi Arabian government has recently decided that it is okay for their women to drive cars. It’s part of an effort to boost the economy and overcome a widening budget deficit. Budget defic...
Seeded with alfalfa, grasses offer nutritional benefits and the opportunity to extend stand life.From contacting colleagues in other U.S. regions, Dennis Cherney estimates that alfalfa-grass mixtures...
The southeastern United States offers the biggest opportunity for expanding alfalfa acreage nationally, whether as a pure crop or as a companion in bermudagrass pastures and hayfields...
“As alfalfa producers, we’re really harvesting leaves and not tonnage,” began Dan Undersander, as he addressed attendees from the Forage Seminar stage at World Dairy Expo last week. The recently...
“We are very different than most other places in the United States.”That was the assessment of Jerry Cherney, a forage specialist and researcher with Cornell University, as he addressed hay produc...