May 12, 2020
Sorghum-Sudangrass is an important crop worldwide. It has value as a forage resource and is cheaper to grow compared to many other summer annuals such as corn...

April 21, 2020
Although they’re still sometimes referred to as “alternative forages,” winter cereals have reached mainstream status on many dairy and beef operations. Farmers have found that winter rye, winter...

April 7, 2020
Your favorite tractor’s engine control module (ECM) continuously monitors signals from many sensors to keep the tractor running smoothly...

March 17, 2020
It’s time to take inventory of the current state of sorghum species as a forage resource in more humid regions of the United States. Of course, sorghums will always be a go-to crop in semi-arid area...

March 13, 2020
Coming upon nearly 100 years of silage science, researchers and farmers have long recognized that successful fermentation will preserve forage and grain long into the future...

March 13, 2020
Anderson is a senior research associate and Xue-Feng Ma is an assistant professor at the Noble Research Institute, Ardmore, Okla.Small grains are often grazed during vegetative stages or harvested as green silage, baleage, or dry hay. It is important to select the right crop or variety to fit an operation. Understanding environmental conditions and soil characteristics of the farm are helpful in selecting a proper crop. In general, rye is better suited for sandy soils...

March 12, 2020
The San Joaquin Valley (SJV) of California is home to about 1.7 million lactating dairy cows, and that number of cows needs a lot of forage...

March 3, 2020
Coming upon nearly 100 years of silage science, researchers and farmers have long recognized that successful fermentation will preserve forage and grain long into the future...

Jan. 13, 2020
Availability of high-quality forages to dairy cattle is essential to maintaining rumen health and animal production. Although corn silage is the predominant forage used to feed dairy cows in the United States...

Nov. 27, 2019
How forage particle size and NDF digestibility interact to affect dry matter intake (DMI) and milk yield is a hot topic among dairy nutritionists...