April 25, 2022
Regenerative grazing is a set of practices, guided by ecological principles, that uses the benefits of grazing livestock to rebuild soil health and may also help diversify the enterprises...

April 25, 2022
The dramatic price rise in farm inputs such as fertilizer, fuel, herbicide, and commodity-based feed has been a recurrent theme of recent conversations with producers and extension colleagues...

April 25, 2022
Native warm-season grasses are bunch grasses that are indigenous and well-adapted to North America. These species can be used as a part of forage production systems...

April 12, 2022
The greening of America has begun, even for the Northern states. The spring flush of grass is a welcomed sight as the days of long underwear and frozen net wrap bid adieu...

March 10, 2022
Summer annuals are fast-growing, high-quality forages that can be used to supplement tall fescue systems during the summer forage slump...

March 10, 2022
Hopefully, most of our Hay & Forage Grower readers in the West are aware of the nutritional advantages of cutting hay in the afternoon rather than in the early morning hours...

March 10, 2022
In this three-part series, we’ll be discussing specific steps you can take to use regenerative grazing to achieve certain goals...

Feb. 7, 2022
There are two basic approaches to setting up a grazing cell: fixed and flexible. A fixed grazing cell has a set number of permanent paddocks created with permanent fence...

Feb. 7, 2022
It's been a year since I transitioned from being a regional seed company consultant to farming with my family full time. I feel very settled in this role, and there’s a long list of accomplishments...

Feb. 7, 2022
Central Kentucky farmers Dave Burge, Dorris Bruce, and Beth and Brad Hodges have made major changes to their winter-feeding systems in recent years...